You are enough
So many people go around today praying and believing in God but ask them if they believe in themselves they’ll have a million excuses lined up for why they don’t. If we’re good at one thing, it’s that we can worry ourselves to death. When we’re alone we worry we’ll be alone forever and when we’re partnered up we feel like being alone. If we’re healthy, we worry ourselves until we’re sick and waiting in the ER.
For me, it’s easier to just say “I’m happy with what I’ve got, for now, and if I want more, I’ll work more to get it.” That’s the way it should be, but for most of us, it doesn’t feel like that. It’s like “I’ll only be happy if I get that job, get that condo, get that six-figure income.”
Of course, getting all those things will make me happy. Of course, there is something to be said about intimacy and having someone to be to share moments of your life with naturally does feel good, and that’s why those things are important. But, if you want those things to last, you’re going to have to get comfortable with not having them, first.